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Ilha das Flores Tales

O Monte das Cruzes
In ancient times, an extensive wood forest covered the mountain hanging over the village of Santa Cruz. During this time the Franciscans lived in a nearby convent. They led a life of poverty, famine and aid to the people.

During the Easter Celebrations, the Franciscan imposed to themselves another sacrifice, to dig up and clear the entire mountain from top to bottom. At the end of each day, tired and beaten, they still had strength enough to build a cross made of cedar. The cross was then raised in the place where they had been working throughout the day. The cross was the symbol of a day's sacrifice like Jesus Christ sacrifice in Calvary.

As the Franciscans were few and the mountain too wide, their task lasted for many years, till finally the field was ready to be cultivated.

The mountain was, by that time, covered by crosses, which not only symbolised the sacrifice made by the Franciscans, but also induced the people to name it Monte das Cruzes.

Nowadays, there aren't anymore crosses left to explain its meaning, but the cross is the emblematic symbol of the City Hall shield and part of the name given to the mountain and the village.


Ilha das Flores Tales
O Monte das Cruzes
The Mermaid's Legend
The Flores' Lakes Legend
"Nossa Senhora da Conceição" Tale
The Skull's Tale
Santo Amaro's Tale

Work performed by the students of 9ºB from
School E.B. 2,3/S Padre Maurício de Freitas
Santa Cruz das Flores - School year 2001/2002